Understanding Business!

I started my 1st real company in 2018 with two business partners. Since the official launch on August 17th, 2018, it made around $8M+ before I left it on December 1st, 2023, over six months ago.

What I can tell you is that business is NOT linear. It spreads out into many different areas and topics. Some of which you will love, and some of which you will hate.

I personally have the brain for systems, formulas, and automated processes. I LOVE figuring things out. I was a kid taking apart watches and machines and putting them back together.

I’ll never forget my friends growing up getting SO TIRED of me, saying, “Dude, you are always asking questions. You are curious 24/7.” Thank you for that, Kurt H!

That was a big realization for me. I realized that all successful people, or anyone on their way to success in the entrepreneurial space, must be curious. You must question everything.

You must see a new edge, a new alternative, and really figure out how to innovate, optimize, and situate yourself and your business for lasting success.

My favorite things these days are business coaching and getting entrepreneurs to figure out not only what they have to do, but what they need to shift mentally, and of course, how to get out of their own way.

Let’s talk about some of the best business lessons I have ever learned in the last 6+ years of being an entrepreneur, from A-Z. I personally paid myself nearly $1M through my last company since 2018.

Lesson #1: Business is only two things. It’s MONEY IN, and it’s eyeballs.

Lesson #2: If you already have momentum, then you need two things: MORE MONEY and MORE eyeballs.

Lesson #3: Marketing is the most important thing possible in a business. If you have the best product in the world but nobody knows about it, you have nothing. Money IN is the lifeblood of a business to expand, scale, and really get going with your vision, execution, and what you want out of it for the long haul.

Lesson #4: Your customer DOES NOT come first. Anyone who told you this is lying or doesn’t know what they are talking about unless they are Jeff Bezos. Exception. Your TEAM comes first. If you don’t take care of your team, they WON’T take care of the customer. Take care of your team well, and the customer gets GREAT treatment. Team first, customer second.

Lesson #5: The more parts to the machine you add, the more places and chances the machine can falter or even break down. SCALE is not always what you think it is, and it can end up being a total nightmare. Staff, sales teams, bigger marketing, etc. Sometimes scale can ruin the perfect foundation you built with just yourself or a few.

Lesson #6-Lesson #3,000: I’ll cover more in future posts. I have lots to talk about.

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“We aren’t here to escape the matrix. We’re here to LEARN to CODE our own matrix.” - TB👽.

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